Address N More

Address N More is a program which allows you to enter your addresses, email , websites, and other information with ease. Also includes a ToDo program and a simple home inventory program.

In the main address window you have two panels to enter information. A panel on the left side for personal addresses, family and friends. A business panel on the right for storing business contacts, vendors, service companies, favorite web sites, etc. You can enter information in one panel or both.

You can make categories to organize all your addresses. Add comments, birthday, and anniversary dates. Add up to four picture to each address.

Use the DWEV (Dial phone, Web, Email, View category) selection to "Dial" a phone number, up to eight phone numbers to select from. Must have a modem for this. Select "Web" site and open them from your home or business addresses. Select "Email" address for home or business. Puts email address to window clip board to paste to you email address box. Select to "View" your addresses by category to quickly find an address by category.

Use the ToDo program for notes and reminders that you need. You can use the reminder to remind once, weekly, monthy, yearly, or none. Archive ToDo's that you want to keep.

Use the Home Inventory program to organize you home valuables to quickly find them. Get a total of all you home inventory for insurance claims. You can add a picture for each item.

In the main menu you have to Quick 20 to quickly go to your favorite addresses to view, to go to that web address, get email to windows clip board, or dial a phone.

The print selection to print address, mailing labels, envelopes, and return address labels. In the address print selection, select to print by personal or business, print all, print by category, or select one or more address to print.

Navigating menus is fast, and very simple to use! You never have to learn or memorize a set of icon pictures, or learn new short cut alt keyboard entry keys. All of that is simplified and easy. You navigate this program by using the keyboard which is the fastest way to move around this program or you can use the mouse as well.

Find out how this software can help you, and try out this software for 30 days for only $29.95 now. Click on the "Try Before You Buy" button.

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